Hi folks, after last weekend’s defeat on the Mickeleen’s Path, I vowed I’d redeem myself on the Brigus Head Path loop. A 6.5 km moderately challenging hike with a bit of climbing and descending, and a much shorter couple of kilometers straight back over land, this trail is spectacularly beautiful in the summer months, and given our warm weather for the last week, I thought the snow would have likely taken a cutting. I was… partially right at best.
The snow had softened to be sure. That was not a good thing, however, as this trail is a bit of a wet one and the wet parts had undercut the snow, leading me to plunge to my knees on more than one occasion. In places the majority of last week’s snow remained untouched, which made for some treetop views and drift climbing. The soft snow gave me a workout, at least!
The first half of the trail from the north, up to the approach to Brigus Head, was very challenging. Lots of deep snow and more than once where I was unsure how to continue on the trail. After Brigus Head, the going got a little easier, the places where deep snow needed to be traversed were sporadic instead of constant. At the point where the trail meets with community trails, a quad or two had gone over the trail making the going a little easier, though they had messed up the muddy parts pretty good.
I turned around at the loop trail, not venturing all the way to the trailhead in Admirals Cove. The loop trail (the old road between Admirals Cove and Brigus South) followed the same pattern: easily passable for the first, uphill km or so, and then more challenging, essentially becoming a river interspersed with deep snow. Luckily, this is a short path and I was at the wharf next to the trailhead where I had parked in Brigus South before sundown.
If you’re in the mood for a challenge, this is one to consider. It’s hard to capture in pictures how deep the snow is and how tough it is to showshoe, but trust me, the rain has been a double-edged sword: clearing the trail in spots, it has simply softened things up in others. You might be better off waiting for a bit more of the snow to melt, but if you are willing to take it on, it’s certainly a unique experience at this time of year. Not for the faint of heart, let’s put it that way! Check out the pics of the exhausting but spectacular hike below!

The trailhead in Brigus South.

From the trailhead, the patchy melting and soft snow is visible.

The first river on the trail is just past the Timber Cove signpost.

Timber Cove is looking spectacular.

The trailmarkers were welcome sights and made good gauges of the depth of snow.

…as in this picture.

The old road is pretty much just a river even at the ECT section.

Leaving the old road, the trail is immaculate, unhiked for the last while.

Deep snow alongside Herring Cove.

Untouched by human feet.

Drift climbing around gulches where the snow gathered.

A look back at Brigus South from above Herring Cove.

Approaching Brigus Head, things started to clear out a bit.

I didn’t want to get too close to viewpoints such as this one at Hare’s Ears.

A look back toward Tors Cove.

A look forward to Cape Broyle Head.

The sign is down at Brigus Head. Just keep going straight at this 4-way junction, hikers.

I tried to capture both the location and magnitude of the deadfall above Black Cove. Hikers have to leave the trail at multiple points along this stretch avoiding deadfall. Hats off to the volunteers who have some work ahead of them.

Another shot of deadfall on the trail.

Some damage near Deep Cove.

More deadfall.

Looking back at Deep Cove.

River crossings were challenging. At least once I was just following the moose.

…of which there were the evidence of many. From about Brigus Head on, the trail showed evidence of constant use throughout the winter.

The view at Cross Cove.

After a long time with my camera packed: a shower passed overhead and I put it away until the sun was obviously sticking around again. A look back at Bills Tar Cove.

Approaching Shitting Gulch, a tree blocks the entire path.

just past Shitting Gulch.

The last challenging part of the trail behind me, an uphill in deep, soft snow.

From here, the quad traffic had at least beaten down the worst of it.

The beautiful Island Cove.

The summer homes at this end of Admirals Cove have a spectacular view.

The old road back was basically just a river. Luckily it wasn’t too long.

Some poor soul lost his boat at some point this winter.

The sunset over Brigus South was spectacular.