Silver Mine Head Path – Very Scenic!

Hi folks! I feel like Silver Mine Head Path doesn’t get enough credit: more serious hikers may not want to hike such a short trail (at only 2.3km). But it does get a lot of day hiker traffic, given its location, and for good reason; the scenery is really spectacular, with cliffs and crashing waves along the length of the trail, not to mention Middle Cove Beach itself.

Today was about saying I got out for a hike as much as anything, since I had a busy day but didn’t want to skimp on the hiking with the weather like it was and the summer winding down. I had a spectacular day weather-wise: sunny, bright, not too hot. Things were looking great, until I got to the beach and started packing up my gear, and realized I had (boneheadedly) forgotten my camera… so it’s potato camera pics this time around. The weather was so nice that even my potato camera was good enough for a few decent pics. Well, sort of decent… I don’t know how to work my phone. It’s alien technology.

I passed a lot of young kids on the trail today… this is a perfect little hike for a family for sure! Great to see kids out enjoying nature too!

A few pics below. Enjoy!


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